Anthony Lambert

It seems that student life is more challenging than it was for me 50 years ago!

The Food Security Project

Jim&Simone Wurzer

Alex Speed

It's hard to learn on an empty stomach.

The Food Security Project

Michael Bradfield

Kathleen Kevany

Eating healthy and sustainable foods are one of the best gifts we give ourselves and future generations. It is critical also that fellow campus community members are supported in securing good food and increasing their well-being.

The Food Security Project

Peggy Domenie

Sending you all warmest holiday wishes and hope you are enjoying your studies at Dalhousie. It can be hard to be away from family and friends over the holidays, so hoping this dinner is a great way to make new friends and share in new holiday traditions with your peers!

International Student Holiday Dinner

Cynthia Pilichos

Great occasion for the international students to enjoy the holiday season!

International Student Holiday Dinner

Janette Hurley

I remember Celebrating my first Christmas as an International Student @ DAL with friends in 1972.Happy Christmas. Hugs Peace Blessings

International Student Holiday Dinner

Janet Norman-Smith

All the Best with your 2023/2024 Basketball year!

Women’s Basketball Fund

Dennette Dennette_Hanna-Shea

Whether people are far from home, don't have family or don't celebrate Christmas and are alone because of that, I believe being with people for a meal goes along way to a person's mental health. I hope the recipient enjoys their evening.

International Student Holiday Dinner