Debra Pepler

I would like to dedicate this to the President of Dalhousie University, Dr. Deep Saini, who wrote me a most encouraging personal note earlier this year. His thoughtfulness in reaching out to me personally, with a supportive letter, is most appreciated. As a former student who benefitted tremendously from my years at Dal, I am eager to support the students of today who are facing unprecedented challenges.

Student Emergency Relief Fund

Renelle LeBlanc-Scott

I just can't imagine being a university student, struggling already financially and having to navigate the perils of quaranting, social isolation and loss of summer employment/clinical hours... I hope this small amount can help alleviate a bit of that worry for existing students!

Student Emergency Relief Fund

Patricia Figueredo

I want to support students in need at this critical time so that can succeed with their dreams.

Student Emergency Relief Fund

Indranil Dutta

We shall come out of this soon and will be stronger together.

Student Emergency Relief Fund

Judy Wells

This may be the area of the most immediate need, so I hope it is useful.

Student Emergency Relief Fund

Anna Cranston

So many students rely on the salary they earn completing work-integrated-learning and summer jobs in order to support their academic pursuits. The impact of Covid-19 on the availability of student jobs is enormous. Having worked in the student career field for the lions-share of my university career, I am thrilled to be able to support this project Dal initiative using the money I am saving on gas while not commuting to work everyday.

Student Emergency Relief Fund

joyce hoeven

Stay strong ... stay focussed and above all .... be kind. We are all in this together and together we will overcome our current challenges.

Student Emergency Relief Fund

Frances Wilkinson

Even in good times, many undergraduates live on the edge financially. As a retired professor, I can only imagine how stressful this pandemic period must be for young people, just starting their careers and trying to complete degrees.

Student Emergency Relief Fund

Joan Myles

On March 8th, 2020, my daughter and I attended the event, "On Their Shoulders" part of the International Women's Day celebrations hosted by the Women's Division-Dalhousie Alumni. We were both very impressed by the speeches given by Grace Evans and Sarah Dobson about their work to write and publish a book about the women who have served in the NS Legislature. Our family firmly believes that women are under represented in political office at all levels of government. My partner and I are both Dalhousie graduates and are very happy to support this Women in Politics Scholarship. Our hope is that the scholarship will indeed encourage women to become involved in politics and indeed be elected to office.

Women In Politics Scholarship

Jonathan Fourdraine

Back in the mid 90's Dalhousie was there to help me as a student during a time of need. Happy to "pay it forward" during these uncertain times.

Student Emergency Relief Fund