Cynthia Pilichos

As an alumna, my heart goes out to students who are adversely affected by Covid-19 and the impact it has had on life as we have known it. Best wishes to them all.

Student Emergency Relief Fund

Ron Beaton

Best wishes to all the students at Dal during this challenging time. It will pass.

Student Emergency Relief Fund

Mark Poirier

Being without regular access to the internet in university during normal circumstances in 2020 would be almost unthinkable; for someone to endure that fate during this pandemic and quarantine is something I can't abide. Good luck to you all.

Student Technology Fund

Jesse Arsenault

Margaret Marilyn ( please use M Marilyn for all but tax) Hutchings

Brenda Merritt

We are in this together!

Student Emergency Relief Fund

Susan Mansour

This pandemic is having such a negative impact on us all, not the least of which are the students who work so hard to have the means to obtain an education. It must be so isolating and frightening for them in so many ways and I hope that I can help ease someone's burden a little.

Student Emergency Relief Fund

Cassandra Dorrington

Being a part of Dal is being part of the community. As a community, we will succeed.

Student Technology Fund

Shin Woon Chan

Thanks for the university helping student to continue learning in a safe environment during this unprecedented time.

Student Emergency Relief Fund

Martha Ferguson

Together as a community we are strong and will ensure we all get through this! Stay strong and positive and know this is not forever!

Student Emergency Relief Fund

Reid Morden

The ability of students to continue their studies is vital. Education is the foundation of a functioning, civil society

Student Emergency Relief Fund

Watanabe Toshifumi

Studying is important for students themselves as well as for the society and more for the earth. Regardless where to live, I am proud of studying at Dal and hope increasing more students thinking the same way.

Student Emergency Relief Fund